Aged Care
Movement Matters. Scientific research shows that dance provides excellent results as we get older.
Care Provider Programs
Our Residential Care Programs offer 2 sessions:-
General seated group session for residents,
45 minutes (15-20 elders).
Engagement movement session for people living with dementia, 30-45 minutes group & individual.
Choice of morning booking or afternoon sessions, we like to follow these with morning/ afternoon tea. Both seated and supported, social and engaging our programs are highly successful and often the highlight of the week! An asset to providers, we aim to combat social isolation, keep elders moving and provide fun, uplifting music to move to that stimulates the body and mind. Using generational music accompaniment, these sessions are tailored for older people and delivered by an experienced accredited trainer and dance teaching artist.
We also provide training for Care Professionals and Lifestyle Staff via our 2 day skill set workshops (see training).
Happy Feet in your Seat
Health, Care, Community Organisations
Open to larger organisations who would like to attend via Zoom as a group for their members, residents or clients. Connecting as a group from the residence, day centre/hall. Via Zoom link, a weekly seated session of 45 minutes with a variety of fun, generational music. Great for mobility, social events and encouraging older people to move regularly.
Available as a larger package coming soon with greater variety and choice. Also available for conferences, forums, expos at alternative times.
Suitable time (weekly).
Via Zoom online platform or In-person if available